tisdag 23 februari 2010

En legend har gått bort.

Anglers from all walks of our sport pay tribute to Barrie Rickards in the latest Pikelines.Pike were routinely thrown up the bank before Barrie and his cohorts launched a campaign to conserve them in the 1970s.
The club they founded became a powerful conservation force, which has won many battles on behalf of predator anglers and the fish they target over the last three decades. Every pike angler owes a debt to Barrie, who lost his fight with cancer last November.
His partner Mandy Lyne told Pikelines: "I hope you all value and cherish that wonderful asset you all share, the love of angling and the cameraderie of the angling community."It is particularly special. Take care of each other and keep up the good fight.
"Don't worry Mandy. We will.

Jag har läst många av hans artiklar i Pikelines och andra engelska tidningar, men det var först i dag jag kunde läsa om hans bortgång. Allt har ett slut och vi ska alla samma väg!

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